Mystery of precious stones

Not only hidden but a shimmering colors, fanciful, each stone also carries a magic power of the spiritual world
The world of gems so diverse and plentiful. In each type of stone re contain its capacity marvelous.

Gemstones and health

(TB) gem not only for beauty, they also affect mental health and old a man. Since ancient times, ancient people known to use stones for healing. They believe that gemstones have the ability to adjust imbalances in the body and create energy inside humans.

High quality jewelry - gold brass mixed

Jewelry is not an integral part of the bulb a life, but things are a brilliant investment carved and costly, they are often made ​​of precious stones , gold, silver, platinum, diamonds ...

How to choose jewelry

If you wear line to, "impressive" does not wear a pair of earrings and also to highlight it.

Agate banded beauty

Agate banded beauty

No gemstone is more creatively striped by Nature than agate, chalcedony quartz that forms in concentric layers in a wide variety of colours and textures. Each individual agate forms by filling a cavity in host rock.